SFT Pro-Staffers Land Lady Lunker
SFT Pro-Staffers Captain Karl Bunch and Dave Kilby brought in Lunker at the Angler's Choice Potomac Pro Teams Tournament held on March 28, 2009. Congratulations guys!
Here is how it happened as described by Captain Karl:
During the early morning hours of the tournament Dave & myself decided to run south to the Aquia Creek area, the first cove we wanted to fish was like one of the many traffic jams we encounter on "I 95" so we decided to fish another smaller cove that we knew had some good fish. We were primarily targeting the 4 to 5 foot drop off of the shoreline, and after about one hour another team fishing the tournament pulled into the same creek and they choose to target tight to the same shoreline as we continued to fish and defend our 4 to 5 foot drop off. After a few hours they had left the creek and the bite had slowed for us, so we decided to try another spot but we quickly decided that was a mistake (the Don't Leave Fish to find Fish rule) so we put my Mercury, powered by Legend (Alpha 199), on a fast course back to the cove that we had just left. As we entered the cove I suggested to Dave that we make a pass tight on the shoreline since we had not gotten the opportunity during our earlier visit & he quickly agreed. So that we were not duplicating techniques, I mentioned that my lure of choice was going to be one of my go-to baits... a Deps Mini Bro Spinnerbait in chartreuse color, flavored with a new Crawfish scent of CB's Hawg Sauce. After about four casts targeting some submerged wood on the outgoing flood high tide, the excitement started. I quickly announced Fish-On! Now we had both caught many numbers of short fish during the morning, and we were continually canceling the call for the net about half way to the boat. Accustomed to this routine there was an initial hesitation with the net, (not to mention we were dressed like the abominable rain man with the pleasant weather we were encountering). But then half way to the boat "Bucket Mouth" decided to show her lips with a tantalizing dance that resulted in Dave and myself finding the long lost youthful energy we had forgotten! We let out a great sigh of relief once she was safe in her new temporary home of the Legend Lodge Spa treatment livewell. Now it was time for the trip back to the tournament scales where our Lady Bucket Mouth would have her day as Lunker Queen at 6.67 lbs!
Thanks & Good Fishing, Capt. Karl