Biffle HardHead
The Biffle HardHead is a football head weight with the hook loosely attached allowing it to move freely with the bait. The hooks are high quality, super sharp Owner wide gap J-hooks, featuring heavy-duty black nickel chrome wire with a high tensile strength. This is the rig that Pro Tommy Biffle has been refining and using for several months now for the new soft-plastic-cranking technique called “bottom buggin’.
The Biffle HardHead is a football head weight with the hook loosely attached allowing it to move freely with the bait. The hooks are high quality, super sharp Owner wide gap J-hooks, featuring heavy-duty black nickel chrome wire with a high tensile strength. This is the rig that Pro Tommy Biffle has been refining and using for several months now for the new soft-plastic-cranking technique called “bottom buggin’.