Megabass Griffon 6CC Deep Diver

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Product Description:
A deep-diving version of the Griffon 6CC, the Griffon 6CC Deep Diver offers the same ease of casting and wide-wobbling action that made the original Griffon so popular. The Griffon 6CC Deep Diver’s fixed, internal stainless-steel balancer combines with the larger lip to achieve diving depths of up to 8 ft. With a larger profile and larger hooks, the Griffon 6CC Deep Diver increases the effective range of the Griffon profile. And with low-tone steel balls, mid-tone steel rattles, and high-tone glass rattles in three distinct internal-chambers, the Griffon 6CC Deep Diver offers up a unique, multi-layered rattle.
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Ito Wakasagi
Sexy French Pearl
Product Description:
A deep-diving version of the Griffon 6CC, the Griffon 6CC Deep Diver offers the same ease of casting and wide-wobbling action that made the original Griffon so popular. The Griffon 6CC Deep Diver’s fixed, internal stainless-steel balancer combines with the larger lip to achieve diving depths of up to 8 ft. With a larger profile and larger hooks, the Griffon 6CC Deep Diver increases the effective range of the Griffon profile. And with low-tone steel balls, mid-tone steel rattles, and high-tone glass rattles in three distinct internal-chambers, the Griffon 6CC Deep Diver offers up a unique, multi-layered rattle.
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