Deps Buzzjet
The Deps Buzzjet is able to attract fish from far distances.
The Deps Buzzjet is able to attract fish from far distances. At 4 inches long and at a weight of 1oz the plug’s voluminous round profile appeals as an easy meal to lurking predators. The buzzjet, designed to be fished as a wake bait, has many unique features that sets it apart from the rest. The shape of the lip is constructed so the tip portion faces straight down, thus pushing greater amounts of water outwards around the bait creating a more distinct surface wake. The weight transfer system features 4 stainless balls that are strategically placed in a chamber rolling both front to back and left to right. This provides for great casting ability, unique sounds, and also an irregular side to side action on the retrieve. To create even more water splash and raucous on the water the designers added an original prop that rotates in an offset noisy manner. The buzzjet’s ability to catch fish was soon realized by the Japanese anglers and in 2004 was voted as Japan’s number 1 hard plug by Japan’s Lure Magazines readers.