Rapala Husky Jerk
The Rapala Husky Jerk is perfectly balanced and can be cast or trolled at any speed and still run true. The rattle chamber transmits sound waves that amplify through the water. The Husky Jerk is a long casting, suspending bait that runs straight and true. Every Husky Jerk includes premium VMC black nickel hooks and is hand tuned and tank tested.
The Rapala Husky Jerk is perfectly balanced and can be cast or trolled at any speed and still run true. The rattle chamber transmits sound waves that amplify through the water. The Husky Jerk is a long casting, suspending bait that runs straight and true. Every Husky Jerk includes premium VMC black nickel hooks and is hand tuned and tank tested.
8 - 3 1/8" long, 4' - 6' running depth
10 - 4" long, 4' - 8' running depth
12 - 4 3/4"" long, 4' - 8' running depth